Dr. Aliki Mitsakos, M.D., Ph.D.
Co-founder & Dean, The International Center for Leading Studies, Greece
Dr. Mitsakos is the example for interdisciplinary education, having a career in Medicine and education concurrently for many years. Having substantiated the positive outcomes of non formal education programs, she is working for the "multiplier effect".

Dr. Oana Antonia Colibasanu
Associated Lecturer, Academy of Economic Studies, University of Bucharest, Romania
Dr. Colibasanu is a geopolitical risk analyst, currently Stratfor's regional partner for Europe and Honorary Adviser to Romania’s Minister of Energy. Besides teaching at the University and the Academy in Bucharest, she regularly publishes on geopolitical developments. An Alumna of our programs she is dedicated to offer similar opportunities to the next generations.

Dr. Georgios Panos
Reader in Finance and a Postgraduate Programmes Convenor, Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
Dr. Panos, Alumnus of our programs, has an impressive career working with the World Bank, teaching in England and research on promoting people’s financial literacy for improved social performance, and, ultimately, financial stability and societal well-being. His module on International Development opens new perspectives on common conceptions.

Dr. Stefano Pilotto
Director, International relations MIB School of Management, University of Trieste, Italy
International Relations, Politics, and History of European Integration are discussed in the most engaging and comprehensive manner by, not only educated but experienced also, Dr. Pilotto. Culture and the arts complement his comprehensive profile, which is proven captivating, from his international career.

Dr. René Repasi
Scientific Coordinator, European Research Centre for Economic and Financial Governance (EURO-CEFG), Erasmus University, The Netherlands
Dr. Repasi has studied Law, has a political career, and is actively involved in European Economic Governance processes, especially on possible Institutional reforms and the euro crisis, subjects he develops in his not conventional teaching style. Even though he not a program Alumnus, he has been involved in programs for many years.

Jessica Townsend – Teague
Educator and entrepreneur, President of Imagi-Nation, LLC., U.S.A.
Jessie, as known by all, is dedicated to bringing out the Leader in any person! Certified in a range of psychometrically leadership instruments, with broad experience in leadership roles and the education sector is key factor for the program., A trained right brain personality, she also offers her strategic illustration / graphic facilitation service to enhance participation, innovation and retention of important generated ideas and information.