![]() Arms Control and Disarmament. Complex Problem Solving. Confidence- and Security-Building Measures (CSBMs). Conflict Analysis and Resolution. Conflict Monitoring, Mapping, and Modeling (CM3). Development and Institutionalization of Conflict Resolution Mechanisms/Programs. Ethnic Conflict and Conflict Resolution. Foreign Policy Decisionmaking. Global Modeling. International Relations Theory. Paradigm Maintenance and Shifts. Peace and Security in Post-Cold War Europe. Perception. Quantitative Methods. Simulation. Structural Change. Terrorism. Third Party Roles in Conflict Resolution. Education Ph.D. Department of Politics, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, 1979. BA (Cum Laude) Department of Economics, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1967. Certificate in German, Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität, Frankfurt, Federal Republic of Germany, 1977. |
Professional Employment
September 1994 - Present, | Professor of Conflict Resolution and International Relations, School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University, Fairfax and Arlington, Virginia. |
January 1989 - 31 August 1994, | Associate Professor of Conflict Resolution and International Relations, Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia. |
September 1989 - August 1990, | William C. Foster Fellow (Visiting Scholar),U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, Washington, DC. Member of U.S. Delegation to the (then) 35 Nation Negotiations on Confidence and Security Building Measures (CSBMs), Vienna, Austria. |
August 1981 -December 1988, | Associate Professor of Government and Politics, Department of Public Affairs, and Faculty Associate, Center for Conflict Resolution, George Mason University. |
October 1980 -June 1981, | Tutor in International Relations, Department of Systems Science, The City University, London, England. |
October 1980 - June 1981, | Tutor in Quantitative Methods, School of Economics and Politics, Kingston Polytechnic, Kingston upon Thames, England. |
October 1980 - March 1981, | Lecturer in Quantitative Methods, Faculty of Humanities and Business Studies, Garnett College, London, England. |
September 1978 - June 1980, | Assistant Professor of International Relations, University of Southern California, United Kingdom Graduate Program in International Relations, London and Cambridge, England. |
October 1977 - September 1978, | Lecturer in International Relations, Faculty September 1978 of Laws, University of London (University College), England. |
September 1973 - August 1977, | Assistant Professor of International Relations, University of Southern California, German Graduate Program in International Relations, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Göppingen, Augsburg, and Munich, Federal Republic of Germany. |
October 1971 - September 1973, | Lecturer in International Relations, Faculty of Laws, University of London (University College), England. |
August 1968 August 1969, | Research Assistant for Professor Richard Rose, Department of Politics, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland. |
September 1967 -June 1968, | Research Assistant, Department of Political Science, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. |
- Fulbright Senior Specialist in Conflict Resolution, Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey. Presented guest lectures in introductory, culture and conflict, and integration of theory and practice courses. Presented a university-wide lecture on "Turkey's Unique Role in Nipping in the Bud the 'Clash of Civilizations'." Consulted with students on their thesis and further educational plans. Also consulted with teaching faculty on potential upgrades in what is not only Turkey's, but the region's premier MA Program in Conflict Analysis and Resolution, 10-25 October 2008.
- Fulbright Visiting Professor of International Studies, Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, Austria. Taught "Theories of International Relations," "Peacebuilding," "Simulation Workshop on Negotiation and Mediation in Complex Conflicts," and "Seminar in Research Methods" for Austrian and international students participating in an MA and other postgraduate programs in international studies, at the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs' premier training center for diplomats, March-June 2004.
- OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) "Researcher in Residence" in Vienna, Austria. Interviewed (primarily) heads of delegation from 47 of the 55 OSCE participating states, regarding their views on peace and security in post-Cold War Europe, immediately following the termination of the NATO air campaign against Serbia over Kosovo, Spring/Summer 1999.
- Fulbright Scholar Award with the OSCE Regional Research Program, Vienna, Austria. Interviewed (primarily) heads of delegation of 46 of the 55 OSCE participating states, 5 officials of the OSCE Secretariat, and 4 OSCE Partners for Cooperation in Vienna, Austria, regarding their views on peace and security in post-Cold War Europe, two years after the Dayton Peace Accords stopped the wars in Bosnia and two years before the NATO air war against Serbia over the Kosovo issue, Spring/Summer 1997.
- U.S. Institute of Peace Grant to facilitate development of conflict resolution programs at Yerevan State University in Armenia; Khazar University in Baku, Azerbaijan; and Bilkent University in Ankara, Turkey, 1995-1997.
- NATO Research Fellowship. Interviewed (primarily) heads of delegation of 29 of the 53 participating states of the (then) Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), to elicit their views about peace and security in post-Cold War Europe two years after ethnic warfare began in the Balkans and two years before the Dayton Peace Accords stopped the wars in Bosnia, June-July 1993.
- U.S. Information Agency (USIA) American Participant (AmPart), U.S. Speakers Program, and U.S. State Department Public Diplomacy Program grants to conduct lectures for, or otherwise meet with diplomatic and defense, university, think tank, media, and other audiences, on various aspects of peace and security in Denmark, France, Germany and Spain, 26 November 14 December 1990; Belgium, Iceland, Luxembourg and Turkey, 14 21 March 1991; Austria and Switzerland, 12 20 November 1991; Greece, 30 March 3 April 1992; Cyprus and Macedonia, 8 16 June 1993; Spain, 5-7 April 1995; Malaysia and Germany, 10-26 October 1996; Spain, 22-23 May 1997; Malaysia, 28 July-2 August 1997; Turkey, 20-21 October 1997; Azerbaijan, 8 December 1997; Turkey, 11 December 1997; Georgia, 15-19 June 1998; Azerbaijan, 22-26 June 1998; Malaysia, 24 May-13 June 1999; Denmark and Germany, 4-8 October 1999; Germany, 5-7 June 2000, 13-15 September 2000, 2-4 May 2001; Malaysia, 27 July-16 August 2001, 19-20 April 2002; Malaysia, 9-24 October 2002; Germany, 6-10 November 2002, 9-18 July 2003; Malaysia, 20-25 August 2003, 12-19 January 2004; Cambodia, 20-23 January 2004; Thailand, 13-20 October 2004; Armenia, 14-20 September 2008; and Malaysia and Singapore, 28 November-6 December 2008.
- William C. Foster Fellowship as Visiting Scholar, U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (ACDA), to work on issues related to both the Negotiation on Conventional Forces in Europe (CFE) and the Negotiations on Confidence- and Security-Building Measures (CSBMs), which took place in the context of the (then) CSCE, in Vienna, Austria, 1989-90. Fellowship included serving as a member of the U.S. Delegation to the CSBMs Negotiations in Vienna.
- Hewlett Foundation grant to further develop theories and processes of conflict resolution, 1987 90.
- U.S. Information Agency (USIA) grant to take 12 scholars/practitioners in conflict management to Amsterdam to co present with the Royal Tropical Institute an international conference on multicultural conflict and conflict management, and to present the paper, "Traditional Approaches to Conflict Management: Short-Term Gains vs. Long-Term Costs," 6 8 January 1986.
- Temple University scholarships for sophomore, junior, and senior years, 1964 67.
- Omicron Delta Epsilon Honor Society in Economics, Temple University, 1966.
- Peacebuilding: Preventing Violent Conflict in a Complex World. (Series on "War and Conflict in the Modern World"). Cambridge (UK) and Malden (MA): Polity Press, 2010.
- Handbook of Conflict Analysis and Resolution ("Studies in Peace and Conflict Resolution"), co-edited with Sean Byrne, Ingrid Sandole-Staroste and Jessica Senehi. London and New York: Routledge (Taylor & Francis), 2009.
- Peace and Security in the Postmodern World: The OSCE and Conflict Resolution. ("Studies in Peace and Conflict Resolution"). London and New York: Routledge (Taylor & Francis), 2007.
- Capturing the Complexity of Conflict: Dealing with Violent Ethnic Conflicts of the Post-Cold War Era. London and New York: Pinter (Cassell/Continuum International), 1999.
- Conflict Resolution Theory and Practice: Integration and Application, co edited with Hugo van der Merwe. Manchester (England): Manchester University Press and New York: St. Martin's Press, 1993.
- Conflict Management and Problem Solving: Interpersonal to International Applications, co edited with Ingrid Sandole Staroste. New York: New York University Press and London: Frances Pinter, 1987.
- Britain Between East and West: A Concerned Independence, with John W. Burton, A.J.R. Groom, Margot Light, and C.R. Mitchell. Brookfield, Vermont and Aldershot, Hampshire (England): Gower, 1984.
Chapters in Books
- "Extending the Reach of Basic Human Needs (BHN): A Comprehensive Theory for the Twenty-First Century." In Human Needs and Conflict Resolution: Linking Theory and Practice. Kevin Avruch and Christopher R. Mitchell (eds.). London and New York: Routledge, 2013.
- "The OSCE: Surviving NATO and the End of the Cold War." In NATO After Sixty Years: A Stable Crisis. James Sperling and S. Victor Papacosma (eds.). Kent, Ohio: The Kent University Press, 2012.
- "US Foreign Policy in the Post-Bush Era: Implications for Europe and the OSCE." In OSCE Yearbook 2009. Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg. Baden-Baden (Germany): Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2010.
- "Conflict Resolution or Amelioration: Methods, Means and Enforcement." In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Peace (4 volumes). Nigel Young (Editor in Chief). Oxford (UK) and New York: Oxford University Press, 2010.
- "Lessons of Peacebuilding for the Balkans and Beyond: Towards a Culture of Dialogue, Reconciliation and Transformation." In Supporting Bosnia and Herzegovina: The Challenge of Reaching Self-Sustainability in a Post-War Environment. Ernst M. Felberbauer, Predrag Jurekovic and Frederic Labarre (eds.). Vienna (Austria): National Defence Academy, December 2009.
- "Untying the Gordian Knot in the Balkans: Realpolitik, 'Business as Usual' or Thinking 'Outside the Box' on Dialogue, Reconciliation and Integration into Euro-Atlantic Structures for Serbia and Kosovo?" In Cutting or Tightening the Gordian Knot? The Future of Kosovo and the Peace Process in the Western Balkans after the Decision on Independence. Ernst M. Felberbauer, Predrag Jurekovic and Frederic Labarre (eds.). Vienna (Austria): National Defence Academy, October 2008.
- "Critical Systematic Inquiry in Conflict Analysis and Resolution: An Essential Bridge Between Theory and Practice" (Chapter 30). In Sandole, Byrne, Sandole-Staroste, and Senehi, 2009, op cit.
- "Virulent Ethnocentrism and Intractable Conflict: Third Party Intervention into Historical Memory." In Building Peace: Reflections from Southeast Asia (Kamarulzaman Askandar, ed.). Penang (Malayasia): The Southeast Asian Conflict Studies Network [SEACSN]), 2007.
- "Identity Under Siege: Injustice, Historical Grievance, Rage, and the 'New' Terrorism." In Identity, Morality, and Threat: Studies in Violent Conflict, Daniel Rothbart and Karina Korostelina (eds.). Lanham (MD): Lexington Books (Rowman & Littlefield), 2006.
- "Lessons of the Balkan Wars: Insights of CSCE/OSCE Negotiators, 1993, 1997, 1999, and 2004." In International Peace Plans for the Balkans – A Success? Predrag Jurekovic and Frederic Labarre (eds.). Vienna (Austria): National Defence Academy, September 2006.
- "Complexity and Conflict Resolution." In Complexity in World Politics: Concepts and Methods of a New Paradigm, Neil E. Harrison (ed.). Albany: State University of New York (SUNY) Press, 2006.
- "Building Peace in Post-NATO Bosnia: A Recommended Action Plan." In From Peace Making to Self Sustaining Peace -- International Presence in South East Europe, Predrag Jurekovic, Frederic Labarre, and Ernst M. Felberbauer (eds.). Vienna (Austria): National Defence Academy, May, 2004.
- "Identity and Apocalyptic Terrorism," with Kimberly Dannels Ruff and Evis Vasili. In Apocalyptic Terrorism: Understanding the Unfathomable, R. Scott Moore (ed.). A publication of the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution (ICAR), George Mason University, published by the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Fort Belvoir, Virginia, April, 2004.
- "Typologies," in Human Conflict: From Analysis to Action, Sandra Cheldelin, Daniel Druckman, and Larissa Fast (eds.). London and New York: Continuum International, 2003.
- Combating Crime in Southeastern Europe: An Integrated, Coordinated, Multi-Level Approach." In Crushing Crime in South East Europe: A Struggle of Domestic, Regional, and European Dimensions. Predrag Jurekovic, Frederic Labarre, Ernst M. Felberbauer, and Andreas Wannemacher (eds.). Vienna (Austria): National Defence Academy and Institute for Peace Support and Conflict Management, May, 2003.
- "The Nature of Warfare in the 21st Century" ( in "Conflict Resolution" (1.40.), Keith W. Hipel and Daniel Druckman (eds.). In The Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS) [UNESCO, Paris). Oxford (UK): EOLSS Publishers, 2003 [www.eolss.net].
- "The Causes of Terrorism." In Terrorism: Concepts, Causes, and Conflict Resolution, R. Scott Moore (ed.) A publication of the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution (ICAR), George Mason University, published by the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Fort Belvoir, Virginia, December, 2002. Also published in Was taugt die Entwicklungspolitik im Kampf gegen den Terrorismus? ("What is the Usefulness of Development Policy in the Fight against Terrorism?"), Prof. Dr. Jörg Calliess (Hrsg.). Rehburg-Loccum (Germany): Evangelische Akademie Loccum, 2003.
- "The Balkans Stability Pact as a Regional Conflict Management and Prevention 'Space': An Evaluation." In The Stability Pact for South East Europe -- Dawn of an Era of Regional Co-operation? Predrag Jurekovic, Ernst M. Felberbauer, and Andreas Wannemacher (eds.). Vienna (Austria): National Defence Academy and Institute for Peace Support and Conflict Management, November, 2002.
- "Preventing Future Yugoslavias: The Views of CSCE/OSCE Negotiators, 1993 and 1997." In Ten Years After: Democratisation and Security Challenges in South East Europe (Vol. II), Gustav E. Gustenau (ed.). International Scholar Conference of the Working Group, "Crisis Management in South East Europe." Partnership for Peace (PfP) Consortium. Vienna (Austria): National Defence Academy and Skopje (Macedonia): Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Defence, University of Skopje, September 2001.
- "A Peace and Security System for Post-Cold War Europe: Preventing Future 'Yugoslavias.'" In Encyclopedia of the European Union, Desmond Dinan (ed.). Boulder (Colorado): Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1998.
- "Ethnic Conflict as Low Intensity Conflict in Post-Cold War Europe: Causes, Conditions, Prevention." In The First International Workshop on Low Intensity Conflict (ILIC '95), Alexander E.R. Woodcock, S. Anders Christensson, Henrik Friman, and Magnus Gustafsson (eds.). Stockholm: Royal Swedish Society of Naval Sciences, 29-31 March 1995.
- "Ethnic Conflict Resolution in the New Europe: A Case for An Integrated Systems Approach." In Peace Research for the 1990s, Judit Balazs and Hakan Wiberg (eds.). Budapest: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1993.
- "Paradigms, Theories, and Metaphors in Conflict and Conflict Resolution: Coherence or Confusion?" In Conflict Resolution Theory and Practice, 1993.
- "Epilogue: Future Directions in Theory and Research." In Conflict Resolution Theory and Practice, 1993.
- "The Biological Basis of Needs in World Society: The Ultimate Micro Macro Nexus." In Conflict: Human Needs Theory, John W. Burton (ed.). New York: St. Martin's Press and London: Macmillan, 1990.
- "Simulation as a Basis for Consciousness Raising: Some Encouraging Signs for Conflict Resolution." In Communication and Simulation: From Two Fields to One Theme, David Crookall and Danny Saunders (eds.). Philadelphia and Clevedon, Avon (England): Multilingual Matters, 1989.
- "Paradigms, Movements, and Shifts: Indicators of a Social Invention." In New Approaches to International Mediation, C.R. Mitchell and Keith Webb (eds.). Westport (Connecticut): Greenwood Press, 1988.
- "Towards a New Rationality." In Conflict Management and Problem Solving, 1987.
- "Conflict Management: Elements of Generic Theory and Process." In Conflict Management and Problem Solving, 1987.
- "Textbooks." In International Relations: A Handbook of Current Theory, Margo Light and A.J.R. Groom (eds.). Boulder: Lynne Rienner, and London: Frances Pinter, 1985.
- "Training and Teaching in a Field Whose 'Time Has Come': A Postgraduate Program in Conflict Management." In The Elements of Good Practice in Dispute Resolution, Cheryl Cutrona (ed.). Washington, DC: Society of Professionals in Dispute Resolution (SPIDR), 1985.
- "The Subjectivity of Theories and Actions in World Society." In Conflict in World Society: A New Perspective on International Relations, Michael Banks (ed.). A Volume in Honor of John W. Burton. New York: St. Martin's Press, and Brighton, Sussex (England): Wheatsheaf, 1984.
- "Changing Perceptions: An Approach to Teaching International Relations and Its Impact on the Attitudes of Mid Career Students." In The Study and Teaching of International Relations: A Perspective on Mid Career Education, Randolph C. Kent and Gunnar P. Nielsson (eds.). New York: Nichols and London: Frances Pinter, 1980.
- "Economic Conditions and Conflict Processes." In Models of Political Economy, Paul Whiteley (ed.). Beverly Hills and London: SAGE, 1980.
Articles in Journals
- "Turkey's Unique Role in Nipping in the Bud the 'Clash of Civilizations'." International Politics, vol. 46, no. 5, September 2009.
- "Central Asia: Managing the Delicate Balance between the 'Discourse of Danger,' the 'Great Game,' and Regional Problemsolving." Communist and Post-Communist Studies. Special issue on "Conflict and Conflict Resolution in Central Asia: Dimensions and Challenges" (edited by Karina Korostelina and Dennis J.D. Sandole), vol. 40, no. 2, June, 2007.
- "Traditional 'Realism' versus the 'New' Realism: John W. Burton, Conflict Provention, and the Elusive 'Paradigm Shift'." Global Society, vol. 20, no. 4, October 2006.
- "The 'Fog of War' on Terrorism: U.S. Policy, Deception, and the Continuing Slide into the 'Clash of Civilizations." ILSA Journal of International & Comparative Law. Special issue on "Are We at War: Global Conflict and Insecurity, Post-9.11" (edited by T.A. Canova), vol. 13, no. 1, Fall, 2006.
- "What Can 'Conflict Resolution' Possibly Tell Us About Terrorism." Social Justice, vol. 6, no. 1, 2006.
- "The Western-Islamic 'Clash of Civilizations': The Inadvertent Contribution of the Bush Presidency." Peace and Conflict Studies, vol. 12, no. 2, Fall, 2005.
- "The 'New' Terrorism: Causes, Conditions and Conflict Resolution." Wiener Blaetter zur Friedensforschung (Vienna Journal in Peace Research), December 2004.
- "Conflict and Education: Some Personal Reflections." Conflict Resolution Quarterly, vol. 21, no. 4, Summer 2004.
- "Validating Simulation-based Models of Conflict." Simulation & Gaming, vol. 34, no. 2, June 2003.
- "Virulent Ethnocentrism and Conflict Intractability: Puzzles and Challenges for 3rd Party Interveners." Peace and Conflict Studies, vol. 10, no. 1, Spring 2003.
- "Virulent Ethnocentrism: A Major Challenge for Transformational Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding in the Post-Cold War Era." The Global Review of Ethnopolitics, vol. 1, no. 4, June 2002. .
- "John Burton's Contributions to Conflict Resolution Theory and Practice: A Personal View." International Journal of Peace Studies (A Special Theme Issue in Honor of John W. Burton), guest edited by Christopher R. Mitchell, vol. 6, no. 1, Summer 2001.
- "Peace and Security in Post-Cold War Europe: The Views of CSCE/OSCE Negotiators, 1993 and 1997." The Journal of Conflict Studies, vol. 20, no. 2, Fall 2000.
- "Simulated Violent Conflict and War: Implications for Ethnic Conflict in Post-Cold War Europe," Simulation & Gaming, vol. 30, no. 4, December 1999.
- "A Comprehensive Mapping of Conflict and Conflict Resolution: A Three Pillar Approach," Peace and Conflict Studies, vol. 5, no. 2, December 1998. .
- "Task-Sharing for European Security," in Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals ("La Seguridad Europea: Diálogos Para El Siglo XXI"), núm. 38-39. Barcelona: Fundació CIDOB, diciembre 1997.
- "Developing Conflict Resolution in Transcaucasia: A University-Based Approach," in THE ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (Special Issue on "Strengthening Transitional Democracies Through Conflict Resolution"), edited by Raymond Shonholtz and Ilana Shapiro, vol. 552, July 1997.
- "Conflict Resolution: A Unique U.S. Role for the 21st Century," in U.S. Foreign Policy Agenda (Special Issue on "American Perspectives on Conflict Resolution"), An Electronic Journal of the U.S. Information Agency, vol. 1, no. 19, December 1996.
- "Changing Ideologies in the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe," in THE ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (Special Issue on "Flexibility in International Negotiation and Mediation"), edited by Daniel Druckman and C.R. Mitchell, vol. 542, November 1995.
- "Post Cold War Peace and Security Systems in Europe: Prospects and Prescriptions," Peace and the Sciences, March 1993.
- "Ethnic Conflict and Conflict Resolution in the New Europe: The Fly in the Ointment," Wiener Blaetter zur Friedensforschung (Vienna Journal in Peace Research), February 1992.
- "The Conflict Prevention Centre and Cooperative Conflict Resolution in Europe," Peace and the Sciences, June 1991.
- "Simulation in the Analysis of International Conflict: Accessing Total Systems," Simulation & Games, vol. 20, no. 1, March 1989. (Also in ISAGA Newsletter [International Simulation and Gaming Association], vol. 16, no. 2, March 1989.)
- "Expanding the Debate on Generic Theory of Conflict Resolution: A Response to a Critique," with John W. Burton, Negotiation Journal, vol. 3, no. 1, January 1987.
- "Traditional Approaches to Conflict Management: Short Term Gains vs. Long Term Costs," Current Research on Peace and Violence, vol. IX, no. 3, 1986. (Also in Intervention and Aspects of Culture, edited by Philip van der Wulp. Amsterdam: Royal Tropical Institute, 1986.)
- "Generic Theory: The Basis of Conflict Resolution," with John W. Burton, Negotiation Journal, vol. 2, no. 4, October 1986.
- "Conflict Management: A New Venture into Professionalization," with Bryant Wedge, Peace and Change, vol. VIII, no. 2/3, Summer 1982.
Articles in Magazines and Newsletters
- "American Democracy & Conflict: A Tale of Two Incommensurate Visions of the City on the Hill. S-CAR News (School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University), vol. 6, no. 3, October 2012.
- "Lynch Lecture 2011: Reflections." S-CAR News (School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University), vol. 5, no. 6, December 2011.
- "Barack Obama: A Conflict Resolution Friendly White House?" ICAR News (Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University), vol. 3, no. 1, March 2009.
- "ICAR's Relationship with Turkey." ICAR News (Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University),
- vol. 2, no. 7, November 2008.
- "Hurting Stalemate in the Middle East: Opportunities for Conflict Resolution?" ICAR News (Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University), Spring 2005.
- "Making the Best of a Nightmarish Situation" [re: The Christmas 2004 Tsunamis in Asia]. ICAR News (Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University), Spring 2005.
- "The Fog of War." ICAR News (Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University), Spring 2004.
- "America's March to War: Short-term Gains Courting Long-term Disaster." ICAR News (Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University), Spring 2003.
- "Terrorism: The Need for a Comprehensive Approach."
- ICAR Newsletter, vol. 13, no. 1, Winter 2002. Also in Research Papers, vol. II, no. 1-2, 2001 (Human Rights Conflict Prevention Centre, University of Bihac, Bosnia-Herzegovina).
- "Anatomy of an Intellectual Odyssey: The Story Behind Capturing the Complexity of Conflict." ICAR Newsletter, vol. 11, no. 1, Spring 2000.
- "Kosovo: The Straw that (Finally!) Broke the Paradigm's Back?" ICAR Newsletter, vol. 10, no. 1, Spring 1999.
- "A Design for Peace and Security in Post-Cold War Europe," Ethnic Conflict Research Digest (INCORE, University of Ulster, Northern Ireland), vol. 2, no. 1, February 1999.
- "A Comprehensive Mapping of Conflict and Conflict Resolution: A Three-Pillar Approach," IAPTC Newsletter (International Association of Peacekeeping Training Centres), vol. 1, no. 5, Winter 1998.
- "Institutionalizing Conflict Resolution in Transcaucasia: A Progress Report," NIDR News (National Institute for Dispute Resolution), vol. IV, no. 4, September/October 1997.
- "Ethnic Conflict in the New World Disorder: Dilemmas for the International Conflict Resolution Community," Newsletter (Center for Conflict Resolution, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia), no. 9, June 1994.
- "Conflict Resolution in the New Europe," Peace in Action, Summer 1992.
- "Institutionalizing Conflict Resolution: The First Decade A Personal Reflection," ICAR Newsletter, vol. 4, no. 2, Fall 1991.
- "D Day, 15 December 1991: Beginning of the 'End' or of the 'Beginning'," CCAR Newsletter (Center for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University), vol. 3, no. 1, Spring 1991; up dated and reprinted in the Peace Reporter (National Peace Foundation), Summer 1991.
- "The Genesis of War: Mapping and Modeling of Complex Conflict: A Report of Research in Progress," COPRED Peace Chronicle (Consortium on Peace Research, Education, and Development), vol. 14, no. 3, June 1989.
- "Some Observations on the Theme, 'The Psychology of Conflict,'" Conflict Research Society Bulletin (Richardson Institute for Conflict and Peace Research, London), July/August 1975.
Review Articles
- Reviewed Constructing Justice and Security after War, Charles T. Call (ed.) (Washington, DC: U.S. Institute of Peace Press, 2007) for Peace and Change, vol. 35, no. 3, July 2010.
- Reviewed An Ounce of Prevention: Macedonia and the UN Experience in Preventive Diplomacy, by Henryk J. Sokalski (Washington, DC: U.S. Institute of Peace Press, 2003) for Peace and Change: A Journal of Peace Research, vol. 29, nos. 3&4, July 2004.
- Reviewed Preventing Violent Conflicts: A Strategy for Preventive Diplomacy, by Michael S. Lund (Washington, DC: U.S. Institute of Peace Press, 1996) for the Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, vol. 7, no. 3, September 1999.
- Reviewed Endless Enemies: The Making of an Unfriendly World, by J. Kwitny (NY: Congdon and Weed, 1984) for THE ANNALS of The American Academy of Political and Social Science, vol. 480, July 1985.
Working Papers
- "Peace and Security in Post-Cold War Europe: A 'Community of Values' in the CSCE/OSCE?" Working Paper No. 18. Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution (ICAR), George Mason University, June 2001.
- "Conflict Resolution in the Post Cold War Era: Dealing with Ethnic Violence in the New Europe." Working Paper No. 6. Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution (ICAR), George Mason University, October 1992.
Consulting and Other Teaching/Training
- Austrian Study Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution (ASPR) and European University Center for Peace Studies (EPU), Stadtschlaining, Austria. Faculty for the International Civilian Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding Training (IPT) Program and the OSCE Summer School for ASPR, and for the Advanced International Program in Peace Studies for EPU (since 1993).
- The International Master's Program in Peace, Conflict, and Development Studies at the Universitat Jaume I in Castellón, Spain (since ).
- Partners for Democratic Change, San Francisco, California. Lecture and train in various aspects of conflict analysis and resolution; and participate in the development of curricula, internships, and collaborative conflict resolution mechanisms, for conflict resolution centers at Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovak Republic; University of Eotvos Lorand in Budapest, Hungary; Moscow State Pedagogical University in Moscow, Russian Federation; Univerzity Karlovy (Charles University) in Prague, Czech Republic; Sofia University in Sofia, Bulgaria; University of Warsaw in Warsaw, Poland; and Vilnius State Pedagogical University in Vilnius, Lithuania (since 1992).
- ICAR's Caucasus/NIS Working Group. Participate in the development of university programs in conflict analysis and resolution with Yerevan State University, in Yerevan, Armenia; Khazar University, American University and Azerbaijan University, in Baku, Azerbaijan; Bilkent University, in Ankara and Sabanci University, in Istanbul, Turkey; Georgian Technical University and Tbilisi State University, in Tbilisi, Georgia; National Taurida Vernadsky University in Simferopol (Crimea), Ukraine; and Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University and Stavropol State University in the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation (since 1992).
- The Villars Group. Work collaboratively with representatives of the OSCE, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Council of Europe, European Community, NATO, and others (including NGOs and business corporations) to establish early warning indicators in order to enhance effective monitoring of, and responses to conflicts in post-Cold War Europe, Villars, Switzerland (since 2001).
- The Partnership-for-Peace (PfP) Consortium Study Group on Regional Stability in South East Europe, managed by the Austrian Ministry of Defence Work with parties in the Western Balkans to prevent violent conflicts such as those that led to the genocidal implosion of former Yugoslavia during the 1990s (since ).
Conference Presentations
Have presented papers, chaired sessions, and/or appeared as a panelist or discussant at a number of international and national conferences, for example:
- American Political Science Association (APSA) (San Francisco, 1990).
- British International Studies Association (BISA) (Southampton, 1982; Canterbury, 1989).
- Carter Center of Emory University, Consultation of the International Negotiation Network (INN) (Atlanta, 1993).
- Consortium on Peace Research, Education, and Development (COPRED) (Milwaukee, 1987; Fairfax [Virginia], 1991).
- European Conference on Peacemaking and Conflict Resolution (ECPCR) (Antalya [Turkey], 1992).
- European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) (Grenoble, 1978; Florence, 1980; Lancaster, 1981; Vienna, 1998).
- European Peace Research Association (EuPRA) (Florence, 1991; Budapest, 1993; Enschede [The Netherlands], 1998).
- Helsinki Citizens Assembly (HCA) (Bratislava [Slovakia, Czech and Slovak Federal Republic], 1992).
- International Association for Conflict Management (IACM) (Bonn, 1997).
- International Development Conference (Washington, DC, 1993).
- International Institute for Peace (IIP), Vienna, Austria (1991, 1992).
- International Peace Research Association (IPRA) (Groningen [The Netherlands], 1990; Malta, 1994).
- International Political Science Association (IPSA) (Paris, 1985).
- International School on Disarmament and Research on Conflicts (ISODARCO) (L'Aquila [Italy], 1990; Folgaria [Italy], 1991).
- International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP)(Boston, 1980; Washington, 1982; Oxford, 1983; Tel Aviv, 1989; San Francisco, 1992).
- International Society for Intercultural Education, Training, and Research (SIETAR) (Fairfax [Virginia], 1984; Amsterdam, 1986).
- International Studies Association (ISA) (Cincinnati, 1982; Mexico City, 1983; Atlanta, 1984; Washington, 1985; London, 1989; Washington, 1990; Minneapolis, 1998; Washington, 1999; Los Angeles, 2000; Chicago, 2001; New Orleans, 2002; Portland, 2003; Montreal, 2004; Honolulu, 2005; San Diego, 2006); Chicago, 2007; San Francisco, 2008; Montreal, 2011.
- National Conference on Peacemaking and Conflict Resolution (NCPCR) (Athens [Georgia], 1983; St. Louis, 1984; Denver, 1986; Montreal, 1989; Charlotte [North Carolina], 1991; Portland [Oregon], 1993).
- Peace Science Society (International) (Geneva, 1978; Berlin, 1979; College Park [Maryland], 1982).
- Political Studies Association of the United Kingdom (PSA) (Canterbury, 1982).
- Society of Professionals in Dispute Resolution (SPIDR) (San Francisco, 1984; Chicago, 1986; Pittsburgh, 1992).
- United States Institute of Peace (USIP) (Washington, DC, 1992-present).
Public Hearings
- Presented (oral) testimony to the U.S. Senate, Committee on Labor and Human Resources, regarding Peace Academy Legislation (S.1889), June 1982.
- Presented (written) testimony to the Scarman Commission on the Brixton Riots, London, England, May 1981.
- Presented (oral) testimony to the U.S. Commission on Proposals for the National Academy of Peace and Conflict Resolution, Washington, DC, July 1980.
Other Professional Activities
- Associate Editor, Simulation & Gaming and Editorial Board Member, Conflict Resolution Quarterly: review manuscripts for publication.
- Review manuscripts for American Behavioral Scientist; Political Psychology; Peace and Change; International Journal of Peace Studies; International Studies Quarterly; Journal of Peace Research; The Journal of Conflict Studies; International Politics; and Peace and Conflict Studies.
- Review book proposals and manuscripts for Brooks/Cole Publishing Company; Sage; Simon & Schuster; Wheatsheaf Books; Westview Press; Polity Press; and Routledge.
- Review projects for the Canadian Peacekeeping Press (Pearson Peacekeeping Centre); the National Research Council (NRC), Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education; and the U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP).
Membership in Professional Associations
- European Peace Research Association (EuPRA).
- International Peace Research Association (IPRA).
- International Studies Association (ISA).
Born 31 July 1941.
U.S. citizen.
Married to Ingrid Sandole-Staroste with one son, Tim.
U.S. Marine Corps, 1959 63 (active duty): Honorable Discharge.
Police Officer, Atlantic City, New Jersey, 1964-67 (summers).
e-mail: dsandole@gmu.edu